Swamp Thing' Finds Its Title Character...

Swamp Thing' Finds Its Title Character...

Andy Bean will play Alec Holland, while Derek Mears will play the titular Swamp Thing he eventually becomes.

An adaptation of the cult-favorite DC comic, Swamp Thingis set to revolve around CDC researcher Abby Arcane (Crystal Reed) traveling to small-town Louisiana to investigate what seems to be a deadly swamp-born virus. There, she develops a bond with biologist Alec Holland — who, we now know, will be played by Bean (It: Chapter Two). When Holland discovers that a bizarre local illness is connected to his research in the swamp, he comes into conflict with dark forces.


Who Is Swamp Thing :


Swamp Thing is a fictional character and  antihero in comic books published by American company DC COMICS.

A humanoid / plant elemental creature, created by writer Len Wein and artist Bernie Wrightson, the Swamp Thing has had several humanoid or monster incarnations in various different storylines. The character first appeared in House of Secrets #92 (July 1971) in a stand-alone horror story set in the early 20th century.

The character then returned in a solo series, set in the contemporary world and in the general DC continuity. 

The character is a swamp monster that resembles an anthropomorphic mound of vegetable matter, and fights to protect his swamp home, the environment in general, and humanity from various supernatural or terrorist threats:


Source : EW 






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