A all new ongoing Doctor Strange series by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo coming soon...


Marvel has announced a new ongoing Doctor Strange series by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo which will explore the character from different angles, via Entertainment Weekly.

Aaron (Wolverine & the X-Men,Scalped) will write, with art by Bachalo (Amazing Spider-Man, Generation X). Specific release information was not announced. The new title will present the Sorcerer Supreme in a new light, focusing on the character’s emotional side as well as the intellectual. “This is a Doctor Strange who is going to get hurt real bad, real quick… And who is also going to make you feel things.” Marvel editor Nick Lowes told EW.

Aaron said the new series will also deal with the repercussions of using magic.” We wanted a Doctor Strange who was always having to work for what he gets, and to show that when he shows up and uses his powers, it’s not like Captain America throwing his shield or Thor throwing his hammer,” Aaron said.”Strange has to worry about repercussions that those other heroes don’t have to worry about, because he’s a Sorcerer Supreme.”

The series will also see its protagonist using weapons, to make him a “more active, more of a hands-on kind of hero,” Aaron said. “We don’t want him to just be the guy who stands there and shoots blasts of magic energy out of his hands. We want him to be able to dive into different kinds of fights.”

This is the first ongoing Doctor Strange series since 1996, though the character has appeared in a supporting role in several series, and starred is several limited series. 

Marvel has recently announced several major roles for the upcoming Doctor Strange film adaptation, which will see Benedict Cumberbatch starring as the Sorcerer Supreme.


Source  : CBR


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