SDCC: Kubert & Janson Join "The Dark Knight III: The Master Race" !!!!

 DC Comics has announced new details for "The Dark Knight III: The Master Race," including the artists joining co-writers Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello: Andy Kubert and Klaus Janson. DC additionally confirmed that Miller will illustrate portions of the interior artwork, along with covers.

Janson brings another direct connection to the original "The Dark Knight Returns," as he inked Miller's art in that seminal 1986 miniseires. Kubert has illustrated multiple high-profile DC stories in recent years -- many in the Bat-corner of the DC Universe -- including "Damian: Son of the Batman" (which he also wrote), "Flashpoint," "Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" and "Batman and Son."

"There's a design aspect and a look that he brings to the material that will be essential to the storytelling," DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio told CBR News of what made Kubert the right pick for the series. "It's not that Andy will be imitating Frank's work, he's really bringing his own style, but he'll be working very closely with Frank on the storytelling."

All eight issues of the 32-page "Master Race" miniseries will also include an additional 16-page "Dark Knight Universe" minicomic attached to the center, written and illustrated by guest creators and telling stories of the broader Dark Knight Universe.

"So many of the character that Frank has introduced during the course of 'The Dark Knight Returns' and 'Dark Knight Strikes Again' will be brought back to the storytelling, and they'll be integral to the main story, and go off on separate adventures," DiDio said of the "Dark Knight Universe" stories.

"The Dark Knight III: The Master Race" is scheduled to debut in Fall 2015, but a release month has not yet been attached. The series follows the original series -- one of the industry's most acclaimed superhero stories -- and 2001 sequel "The Dark Knight Strikes Again," both written and illustrated by Miller.


Source : CBR

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