The Great Stan Lee Signed a Comic Fans Back ( John Engle ) WOW!!!!!!

With the help of tattoo artist Kelly Rogers, lifelong comics fan John Engle has spent the past year transforming his back into a tribute to the characters he loves. There, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Carnage and Venom share space with Batman, The Joker and Spawn — Engle enjoys a good intercompany crossover.

However, there was one thing missing: Stan Lee’s seal of approval. And over the weekend at MegaCon in Orlando, Florida, Engle got it. The legendary creator signed his back, just above Spider-Man (where else?), then Rogers made the famous signature permanent.


“Meeting Stan Lee was just icing on the cake,” Engle told WMFE.. “Just an incredible experience. He signed my back and Kelly tattooed it. And aw, it’s just the thrill of a lifetime. Really, really cool.“

“We were both shaking we were so excited,” Rogers added on his Instagram page. “I am so honored and proud to be able to help give him a tattoo experience like no other.”


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