Black #1 Cover B Variant Ashley A Woods, *NM* Movie Coming Soon !!
Black Mass
Buy now, And we'll deliver to you 3-7 Business Days after Purchase Day , And if you trust us, I promise you ,You will leave with Quality Products.
What Its About :
Up for Sale is the Newest Comic Book From Black Mass Comics /
Frist Print & in Near Mint Condition, if not LISTING WILL STATE OTHERWISE!!!!
All Comic Books will come in a Plastic Bag between Protective Boards, shipped in a Comic Book Mailer, via USPS with Tracking Number..
This is not stock photos, In some of our listing we do use Stock Photos. Stock Photos are provided by the publisher.
Buy now and we'll deliver to you within 3-7 Business Day.
Sneak Peek :
IT'S HERE! The comic that blazed through Kickstarter during Black History Month 2016. In a world that already hates and fears them, what if only Black people had superpowers?
After miraculously surviving being gunned down by police, a young man learns that he is part of the biggest lie in history. Now he must decide whether it's safer to keep it a secret or if the truth will set him free.
Black Mask Studios :
Asylum Kollectibles !!!